Home / Fish Supplies / CO2Art CO2 Inline Diffuser
  • CO2Art CO2 Inline Diffuser
  • CO2Art CO2 Inline Diffuser
  • CO2Art CO2 Inline Diffuser
  • CO2Art CO2 Inline Diffuser
  • CO2Art CO2 Inline Diffuser

CO2Art CO2 Inline Diffuser

  • Detail

    CO2Art | Inline CO2 Diffuser (16/22)

    • Replaceable ceramic membrane
    • Available in two sizes: 12/16mm and 16/22mm
    • Flow control on the filter or with adapter set
    • Durable and crack resistant metal body
    • Nano co2 mist technology membrane

    The Real Star of the CO2Art Diffusers Collection Two sizes available Replaceable ceramic membrane More CO2 absorption, less waste The CO2Art In-line Diffuser optimizes CO2 injection for better absorption and less waste. CO2 bubbles pass through the porous ceramic membrane and are diffused into streams of tiny bubbles. The increased saturation of the CO2 in the water column is highly beneficial for healthy and fast plant growth. If you run an external filter, the In-line diffusion method is perfect. Thanks to being able to position the device outside the aquarium, there is more space for plants inside without additional equipment spoiling the view. The metal body of the diffuser makes the device crack-resistant and durable. Two Sizes Available: 12/16 ID/OD (inside diameter /outside diameter) ~ 13mm (tubing diameter) 16/22 ID/OD (inside diameter /outside diameter) ~ 17mm (tubing diameter) Note: Requires a minimum of 30 psi working pressure. Must be used with CO2 pressure rated tubing only. Do not use with silicone tubing. Tubing must be acid resistant and rated for high working pressure.

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