Home / FerAppease Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance
  • FerAppease Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance
  • FerAppease Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance
  • FerAppease Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance
  • FerAppease Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance
  • FerAppease Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance

FerAppease Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance

  • Detail

    FerAppease Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance (Size: 300 ml)

    FerAppease Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance (MBAS) is a synthetic analogue of the natural secretion of the mammary gland on the skin, produced when nursing offspring. When used on prey animals, such as cattle and calves, it helps desensitize areas of brain, decreasing the perception of a threat and improving animal welfare and productivity. Decreases stress, respectively reducing flight response, lowering cortisol levels, decreasing inflammation, lowering morbidity and mortality, and increasing weight gain and productivity. Cattle become calmer, more susceptible to handling and treatment. Improves animal welfare and safety of people caring for the animals. Use on adult cattle during stressful events such as calving, drying off, breeding, pen changes, diet change, and entering the milking herd. In calves, use to mitigate stress during weaning, dehorning, castration, branding, transportation, commingling and vaccination. Also, when used at the time of castration and dehorning, it is shown to decrease stress and pain in calves. FerAppease is an easy-to-administer topical liquid applied to the back of head and above the nostrils. Provides a sense of safety and comfort during routine management procedures.

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