Mal-A-Ket Plus TrizEDTA Flush
Mal-A-Ket Plus TrizEDTA Flush
Mal-A-Ket Plus TrizEDTA Flush, 4oz
- DechraMal-A-KetPlusTrizEDTAFlushisamulticleanseflushforusetopical,antifungal,andantibacterialusefordogsandcats
- Usetopicallyonly.Avoidcontactwitheyesormucousmembranes
Mal-A-Ket Plus TrizEDTA Flush is useful for treating bacterial and fungal skinconditions in dogs, cats, and horses because it contains an added non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to reduce inflammation associatedwith infections. Mal-A-Ket Flush pet meds treat ringworm, yeast infections,pyoderma, and various dermatits conditions.
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