Piscine Energetics PE Frozen Mysis Shrimp
Piscine Energetics PE Frozen Mysis Shrimp
Piscine Energetics PE Frozen Mysis Shrimp – 8 oz Flat Pack
- Frozen freshwater mysis shrimp for fresh and saltwater aquarium fish
- Mysis relicta are an excellent food extremely high in nutritional value
- Induces an energetic feeding response in even finicky aquarium fish
Piscine Energetics Frozen freshwater Mysis shrimp fish food is whole specimens that are pathogen and sodium free. Naturally gut-loaded with phytoplankton, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and are naturally nutritious and color-enhancing. Completely natural, unlike many processed fish foods, Mysis are (or very closely resemble) a food item which fish would normally contact within their native environment. High protein, the protein content is in excess of that normally recommended for growth, maintenance and reproduction. High animal fat, Mysis relicta make nightly vertical migrations from 360-feet to the surface to eat, then return to 360-feet at daybreak. These migrations require enormous amounts of energy which is stored in Mysis as animal fat. The consumption of Mysis makes this energy available to fish for general metabolism, swimming, defending territory and for reproduction. Sodium free, Mysis are truly freshwater. The lack of salt intake for fish is desirable since these fish are constantly struggling to expel salt from their bodies. Fish eat them, it has been well noted that the most finicky fish will eat Mysis with enthusiasm. Credible sources report that discus, seahorses including the leafy sea dragon, tangs and butterfly fishes will eat Mysis eagerly. It is a naturally occurring fatty acid in Mysis relicta that initiates this positive feeding response in fish and only Mysis relicta has such naturally high quantities of it. Available in 8-ounce flat pack.
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